Michael Mathews
Naturalist with a pen and a camera
I created my first personal website in 1998 or thereabouts. Since then, I have had many different versions and, obviously, keep changing. This is the first one where I actually knew exactly what I wanted the site to contain. I am excited about building this one and getting all the “stuff” on it. There will be a good sample of my photography and writing. Some of the writing will go all the way back to the early ’70s.
Sections of interest
My interest in photography began at 13 when I was given a Kodak Hawkeye camera for my birthday. It really took off during my army years until it finally has become a passion. I take thousands of photos each year and teach Photography Workshops.
At 12 I wrote my first story (about Snappy the possum); 11 my first poem (to Sherry Shull, the prettiest girl in the 5th grade, who promptly tore it to pieces and threw it on the ground). I now write several thousand words a week. (On blogs, 3 unfinished books, websites, etc).
Nature & the Outdoors
My room was a museum of natural history by the 6th grade. I had collections of shells, insects, rocks, etc. I used to charge the other kids a nickel to come and see it. At 14, I could ID and give the scientific name of every snake in North America and loved all animals. These days my focus is on birds.

About Me
If you live long enough, you get to write your About Me section many times for only the dullest of us never change. While About Me is not what I have done, I have done many things and never had a linear life. So, not to get too philosophical, I will just touch on the important things right now.
These days, I consider myself a photographer, a writer, and a naturalist. At least, that is my self-image. I still do many other things, for altho’ I am sort of retired, I am still working and staying active.
Website Design & Development
I began designing websites in the late ’90’s. It was a major part of my income by 2003. At one time I had created and was hosting around 200 websites. Most of those were related to the fishing industry: fishing guides & charter captains. These days, I still build and develop sites but for a select few people and myself.
Estate Sales & Appraisals
I still do Estate Sales and Personal Property Appraisals. I am not sure I will ever stop doing them. They are fun and certainly rewarding. In my non-linear life, I have had numerous directions in the way of employment (and everything else).
As a lifelong collector, I have collected little tidbits that I enjoy: stories, jokes, historical pieces, etc. I have included some of that here. There is far too much of it on my computer to add it all, but some are here.