Another Dream Part II

Another Dream Part II Hello, Darling. God, I love that smile. It takes me back to a faraway place long forgotten. Come tell me a lie or two and I’ll tell you one of mine. We could rub elbows a bit maybe see where a little music takes us. The night is young. Just...


Moonlight The moonlight burns With stirring awareness Washing your breasts And all thought of sleep Form my mind Unable to move I lay held in the silvery light I search for you In your dreams Reaching but unable to touch Waiting For your opened eyes Unaided by me Only...

Father’s Pride

      Father’s Pride It was a cold night Late in the season A long season for this team Of Friday night losses One after the other And few times to cheer Late in the 3rd quarter With the outcome never in doubt The home team Again hopelessly behind...

Faucet Days

Faucet Days There are days I could turn my life Off Like a faucet Days with no reject Button No sound to turn down Without horizontal hold But magically equipped With circuit breakers So I can’t even blow A fuse MFM 11 AUG...

Burning Bridges*

    Burning Bridges “Don’t you think There’s a chance you’ll go back. . . That you’ll get back together?” No, I crossed that bridge. I kept walking, too, To put it all behind me. Then I stopped and thought about it For a minute or two. Then went back To...
Black Birthday*

Black Birthday*

               Black Birthday In another lifeor perhaps in a parallel universe,I would be gathering 50 plastic pink flamingoesand posting your baby pictureon telephone polesall over town.I might be buying black armbandsfor the...