I Couldn’t Call Him Johnny

Time heals all wounds

They always say

But you told me the words were a lie

For when it came to the slightest thought

Of him

And that terrible night

So many, many years ago

It was always like it happened

Only yesterday

The pain just as real

The ache just as deep

The loss just the same

You always held it in

And it was only years later

After you knew your time

Was coming soon

That you spoke of your heart

When it came to him

But I already knew

For those big blues eyes

Could never hide the pain

When there was talk of him

Or when we would go

Through the box of pictures

And his little smiling grin

Would magically appear in the pile

Your eyes always showed the pain

Though you smiled

And never said a thing

When my son was born

I had thoughts of using his name

But I knew you’d cry

Every time you heard someone call him

Or said the name


September 28, 2002

9:31 A.M.

Saturday morning

Delray Beach, FL

It’s not home