by MichaelM | Feb 27, 2017 | Basic
My livelihood and means to survive still come from estate sales and personal property & antique appraisals, but it is a little different from years past. Now I only do one a month and am a bit picky about that one. It would be easy to do many more, for I...
by MichaelM | Feb 27, 2017 | Basic
If you live long enough, you get to write your About Me section many times for only the most dull of us never change. While About Me is not what I have done, I have done many things and never had a linear life. So, not to get too philosophical, I will just touch on...
by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
TERRIBLE THINGS HAPPEN Terrible things happen Unbelievably terrible things That may seem like nightmares But happen before your open eyes Eyes that stay open in shock Fear and disbelief As the world falls apart Like...
by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
BLENDED FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREE Blended families are everywhere And ours is like so many others Your kids blended with mine My stereo, your TV, and bits Of furniture from my house, Some from yours And all now in our house. It is the same in every room, In every life....
by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
CHRISTMAS TREE I have a problem with Christmas. Maybe because it used to mean so much Those memories are still so strong Of laughter and shouts of joy And now those I shared it with Are mostly gone Leaving me with the memories, Good and bad. Surprising how many are...
by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
CHRISTMAS BOXES Each year I wrap the ornaments with care And put them back in their boxes. Then they go off in the garage or in storage Somewhere out of the way. There are almost always a few new ones That become part of the memories....
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