by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
Dancing on the Brink of Love Cautious steps Watching the toes As we turn and move slowly To the hint of music Music We can’t quite hear As we learn and adjust To the moves of the other Starting to flow A little As some of the steps become familiar And the volume...
by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
For My Mistress How absurd at my age For my breath to catch in my throat Each time you enter the room. My friends have no idea Nor does she But how long can they be blind To the glow in our eyes The secret glances And caresses beneath tables Where no one sees? How...
by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
Blue Moon Another wasted full moon What a shame They are too precious to squander Shining yellow gold Priceless coin of the romantic realm Sad enough as it is But when you add Spring And warm nights Lord, Lord With beaches just miles away Ready to entice And touch two...
by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
TEXAS SQUEEZES Leaving was hard Like it always is With all the goodbyes And wishes you didn’t have to go And the hugs Oh, my! The hugs Those Texas squeezes To send you off Or welcome you home How I’ll miss you all Miss the words Miss the smiles And...
by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
Memories It was washed in sunshine And again by the summer rain Washed by the moonlight Time and time again Scrubbed by the hand of time And bathed by spring breezes Rinsed with soap and water Whenever it pleases But...
by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
Some Memories It was washed in sunshine And again by the summer rain Washed by the moonlight Time and time again Scrubbed by the hand of time And bathed by spring breezes Rinsed with soap and water Whenever it pleases...
by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
Sad Thoughts Linked Together I hate to be trite Hate trite words and phrases To flow from my fingers And run across my pages But now and then A phrase nails me Right between the line Dividing trite and the heart Why do you hate Christmas she asked And before the...
by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
SHE CRIED HERE It was not a long trip A little over an hour Through the countryside Fields and farms For me it was a nice drive Through the country But for her it was so much more For her it was going home Coming home A phrase I only understood Through what it meant...
by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
Not Sometimes Sometimes I’d like to run away Not from just here And there But run away From Me Run away from all The pieces and parts Of me No Part of this is a lie A word not true Sometimes Sometimes mfm 28 Dec 83 12:51 AM Home Houston...
by MichaelM | Feb 11, 2017 | Poetry
Kathys Don’t fall in love with Kathys No matter how Bright their eyes may shine Those eyes will probe and find Every secret you’ve ever hidden Kathys just aren’t like those With other names They have a secret ingredient A surprise in every package...
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