The Last of the Ending in Zero Poems

The Last of the Ending in Zero Poems I started this tradition forty years ago on another birthday that ended in zero. That seemed like a big one at the time for it was the big three oh. Not long from the hippie days and the hippie phrase “Don’t trust anyone over...

I’m Not Going to Cry Tomorrow

I’m Not Going to Cry Tomorrow I’m not going to cry tomorrow.I am going to watch the sunriseand rejoice in the day.I’m not going to think aboutall the joy you broughtand all the smiles you put on my face.Tomorrow I’m going to find a new roadthat...

Asking Questions of Ghosts

Asking Questions of Ghosts I’m listening to music this afternoon and you may know what that means. There’s no telling where it may take me for the paths it opens can be in any direction but up. This time it has left me talking to ghosts. To be more precise, asking...


When I decided that I was tired of starving to death as a biologist’s pay, I went to work for Roadway Express in management at various places throughout the U.S. Through the years, I worked my way up to Terminal Manager. Later, I spent years with American...

Website Developer

For several years I was a website developer. I was most active from 1994 through 2005. At one point I was managing nearly 200 websites that I had created. Most of these were related to fishing guides and charter captains, but I developed websites in every industry...

One More Leap

One More Leap I want one more run at love.One more leap.One more time for my heart to soarwhen she enters the room.Just once moreto have that thrill at the slightest touch. One more moment of bliss.Remember bliss?I do.Just as I remember too many things.Too many years;...

Searching For Joy in the Music

Searching For Joy in the Music It was just after six a.m.and I was minding my own business,waiting for the heater to erase the cold,sipping my coffee – the new brand I found.The blinds were all open, of course.As I watched for the dawnto illuminate the whispers...

It’s Not Christmas ‘Til You Cry

It’s Not Christmas ‘Til You Cry They start now before the leaves have fallen. Before we’ve packed the shorts and T-shirts away. Christmas lights in store windows and garlands reaching across the aisle. But it’s not Christmas no matter the signs. Oh, they’ll wait a bit...

Thoughts To Lock in the Attic With Slow Cousin Larry

Thoughts To Lock in the Attic With Slow Cousin Larry That little nagging thoughtcame again this morning.The one I usually quickly push to the side,hidden from all conversation or the light of day. Much like they used to do with the idled childto be hidden in the...