She Cried Here*

SHE CRIED HERE It was not a long trip A little over an hour Through the countryside Fields and farms For me it was a nice drive Through the country But for her it was so much more For her it was going home Coming home A phrase I only understood Through what it meant...

Not Sometimes

Not Sometimes Sometimes I’d like to run away Not from just here And there But run away From Me Run away from all The pieces and parts Of me No Part of this is a lie A word not true Sometimes Sometimes mfm 28 Dec 83 12:51 AM Home Houston...


Kathys Don’t fall in love with Kathys No matter how Bright their eyes may shine Those eyes will probe and find Every secret you’ve ever hidden Kathys just aren’t like those With other names They have a secret ingredient A surprise in every package...

The Moon and the Power of One

The Moon and the Power of One The moon has power It magnifies things If you are mellow It gives you peace If you are blue It squeezes the heart It also magnifies The feelings of being alone Just as it magnifies The feelings of being together Perhaps the moon Needs a...

If You Wait For Me

If you wait for me And I come for you Although I travel far I always hold a place for you in my heart If you think of me If you miss me Once in a while Then I’ll return to you I’ll return and fill that space in your heart Remembering your touch, your kiss,...


      ALONE Look out there At the absolute darkness. Not a glimmer of light. And the silence Not a sound Listen close Can you hear anything? Is that laughter? No, it is a sound mirage. Wanting so badly to hear something Anything That the mind plays...