by MichaelM | Feb 10, 2017 | Poetry
Do You Remember Do you remember Papa?No. I guess that was long before your time.But I remember the bananasHe used to hide in overall pocketsAnd ask whose little boy are you? Do you remember Johnny?Just asking makes me...
by MichaelM | Feb 10, 2017 | Poetry
GONE (Number 2) Just like I remember what happeneda second ago,I remember the moment you were born.When I first sawyour wrinkled red faceand first heard you cry.I remember the first time I held you.And when you...
by MichaelM | Feb 10, 2017 | Poetry
Amour or One of Those Other Words Is it the end of something?Some finalitythat I just realized?Is it like the last springthe last smileor the last thunderstormof all time?Of course it isbut I have pretended, for a long timefor my entire lifeand held to some beliefthat...
by MichaelM | Feb 10, 2017 | Poetry
Lottery Love In the short time Since we met I feel like someone gave me The first four lotto numbers With a hint that number five Could come with time Just be patient And it will come Oh, and then There is the chance For the big one I can see the numbers...
by MichaelM | Feb 10, 2017 | Poetry
Leaving It All Behind There is an interesting thing about leaving it all behind.Oh, of course, there is the dramaand the worry about what next.But one of the first...
by MichaelM | Feb 10, 2017 | Poetry
Wallowing in the Music “What kind of music do you like?”asked a new voice.And I stumbled through my usualpoor explanation of the off brands,obscure and hard to define.It’s a little folk, a little blues,a little southern rock sometimes.It is sort of...
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