by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
Late Night Phone Calls The baby came crawling to me tonight Saying “Da, Da” With...
by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
WATCHING, TOO I looked for you In the eyes of every girl I saw today Some eyes shined bright But not like yours I listened, too For your voice I know it well Though I’ve...
by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
The Memorial Could it have been a dream? Brought back by this wall of black granite Towering above, Stretching beyond To blend with the falling mist. Black to gray to black. In stark silence that belies the violence implied Of these thousands of young lives, Of the...
by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
Dream Dragons II There are dragons that sit hidden In the gauzy haze of dreams we weave Their eyes gleam and would give them away But for the sparkling vision of dreams They wait patiently, breathing softly And emitting light tendrils...
by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
The Collector I am a collector Of the past Of various things that strike my fancy Or touch me in a special way. I have my cups From when I was a boy. Cups with Hopalong Cassidy Written on the side. There are books,...
by MichaelM | Feb 12, 2017 | Poetry
Damn Fool Everyone wants to be in love. And why not? What could be more fun? What else makes all the little ticks of the clock Into tiny measurements of joy What else brings such...
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