by MichaelM | Sep 15, 2020 | Poetry
Why in Hell Did You Move Back Here? Why in hell did you come back to East Texas?What would make you do that? You were so glad to escapeall those years ago.And that was the word you always used.Escape. Well . . . I say,then tell one of the “sort of”...
by MichaelM | Sep 15, 2020 | Poetry
Let’s Bring Out all the Clichés for This One Music has filled this empty nightwith words and melodies carrying all those memoriesthat bring with them a tender caress,a wry smile.Then a burning pain. When my years were youngmy pastor told me about hell.He lit a...
by MichaelM | Sep 11, 2020 | Poetry
MUSIC IS A JOYOUS PARADOX Up at 4 AMand the day is already going downhillstill long before the sun has taken a peek at the day.Music.Yes, it music that has turned the tide.Well, there was a slight tiltto the day alreadybut music brought it to the forefront. Another...
by MichaelM | Jul 22, 2020 | Poetry
Who to Tell When the Ear Has Turned Away? Wow! So unexpected and such a joy. A phone call out of the blue from a voice never expected to be heard again. Ever. So, the news is trying to burst from within. Who do I call? Who do I tell? With whom do I share the joy? . ....
by MichaelM | Jun 20, 2020 | Poetry
Painting With Truth With Another Coat of Denial Okay. Just this once I’ll admit it in this moment of weakness, as the blues mix with wet memories, not to dilute but rather to form a catalyst flowing through my veins. It finds the tempo of a primeval beat as it...
by MichaelM | May 26, 2020 | Poetry
Slipping Off to a Sand Dune Moonlight on the sand dune sounds like the start of some silly romantic cliché. But there we sat in the desert night,as the air turned cool following the relentless heat. Our bodies with a slight lean, mine to the left, yours to the right,...
by MichaelM | Feb 29, 2020 | Poetry
One More Spin Around the Dance Floor I was thinking of you this morningwhen one of those old songs played.That’s not an unusual thing for mebut this morning memories squeezed harder.Ah, the price I pay for reminiscing againand stirring the same old worn-out pot filled...
by MichaelM | Jan 29, 2020 | Poetry
Thoughts of Final Days Somewhere in the dark recesses of the late-night...
by MichaelM | Dec 28, 2019 | Poetry
So I Just Held Her Hand There was nothing I could doso I just held her hand.I had been sitting therefor more hours than I couldremember.She slept. I guess that is the right word.Her eyes were closedand she breathed quietly.There was nothing I could doso I just held...
by MichaelM | Nov 6, 2019 | Poetry
Did Someone In Heaven Hold Him Close? Did someone in Heaven hold him closethe night he was taken away?Did he cry?Lord, did someone wipe his tearsand tell it would all be all right?Did he know his mother would join himone day and hold him again?Was he mad at...
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